Stanley High School Diploma Program

At Stanley High School you can earn a High School Diploma Online. The user friendly self assessment Program offered by Stanley High School is a comfortable process for students to obtain a high school certificate.

Online Test for students without any charges

The candidate goes through online tests to ensure that he has the knowledge of an average high School student, which is completely free. This is a great opportunity for students and working adults to earn their High School Diploma as the test is free. In addition, they can choose the place for test by themselves either home or office. Unlike a GED test which can be attempted once, you can attempt this test several times until you pass your High School Diploma Equivalency test.

Once a student or an adult passes the high school diploma equivalency test, they are eligible to receive their Diploma from Stanley High School. Candidates can then receive Online High School Diploma comfortably at their doorstep.

GED or GED Online

The students or working adults who were not be able to complete their regular High School due to any circumstances, Stanley High School Online program is developed for such individuals as a test based program. This is also for those students who have been home schooled because of health issues and could never go to school as a regular student.

This Online Test based program especially suites working adults because they can decide the pace of this program and since the tests are online, they can be attempted from anywhere. All you require is internet access and computer to complete all the courses.

The tests can be attempted as many times as required to pass all the tests without any charges. The student who could not complete their High School education for any reason can attempt their tests through their community schools but have to show up themselves every time and have to pay for every attempt, whether pass or fail.